Blog #2 Assignment

After completing a case analysis project that I was assigned to in one of my other communications courses, I wanted to reflect more on the information that I gathered. Being that I am not really all that much of a makeup person in general, when I am looking for beauty products I usually lean towards the more natural-looking makeup. When I came across this brand I was instantly drawn in by how easy they make it seem to apply their products and how accessible they are to use on a daily basis. Even though I am not constantly on social media, every time I open up my Instagram or Twitter I see these Glossier ads, which shows how consistent their activity is. The company does a really good job of making their brand seem way different than all of the other beauty products that are all over social media. I suppose that I may be biased because I fit into the niche of people they are trying to appeal to, but every time I see the ad pop up I am immediately intrigued and want to buy their products. After working with all the different social media analyzing platforms over the semester I look at these advertisements and can't help but try to guess all the tactics they are trying to use. From their campaigns to their buzz, I would say that Glossier is one of the most successful beauty companies social media-wise.
