UNC Charlotte Shooting

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Late Tuesday evening I was out to dinner with my friends, recovering from the long hours of studying that I had done all day. While eating I received a news alert from my phone that said there was a shooting at UNC Charlotte and I felt an immediate overwhelming chill down my entire body. UNC Charlotte is only a quick hour away from our campus which is what made the situation very realistic for me. This is something that you always hear about but it is almost unrealistic to me because it has never affected me in a personal way, but for some reason this one did. The shooting happened in a classroom in the middle of final presentations which is something that I do almost every week for my courses. Yahoo News reported that there were 2 students shot and 4 students injured from this tragic event which was so upsetting to hear. College campuses should be a safe place for students and it is sad to say that events like these do happen all around the world in this day and age. Being a college student, news like this makes me feel so unsafe in one of the places that I am supposed to feel as safe as possible which is our campus.

News Source: Yahoo News
