Clarence Thomas & The First Amendment

Supreme court justice Clarence Thomas has been known for over two decades for his promising mindset. His goal is to stick to the original morals that were similar to the men that created the constitution. No matter how much times have changed,  he still follows the constitution as if it was just created. This may seem odd to many because of how much times have in fact changed drastically but this does not sway his strict enforcement of what he believes is right. Recently he has been assigned to a court case regarding New York Times vs. Sullivan that has been a re-opened case for over fifty years now.  Contrary to what his colleagues believe, he made the ultimate decision to once again denounce the previous ruling. In this situation, once the case was re-opened so many new discoveries which means new investigations. When situations like this occur in court it is easy to rush to conclusions to settle the dispute but that is not what Thomas believes in. He is dedicated to getting to the truth of everything that has to do with the case and does not account for how long it is going to take. It is important to stick to old traditions, especially when it comes to the law, which is why we need people like Clarence in our judicial system for it to continue to function properly.

Resource: Yahoo News
