What Happens When I Search My Name on Google

I have known about the dangers of the internet since I was in elementary school when they would teach us about how important it was to protect our identity online in any way we could. I was not like everyone else in my middle school that had a Facebook profile, I was scared to have such a public profile at such a young age because I did not know how to handle such a big responsibility. It was not until the summer going into freshman year of college that I made my Facebook page, not because I wanted to, but because it was encouraged to join the Class of 2021 page and meet new people before going to college for the first time ever. I was overwhelmed with the idea of having a Facebook page because it is much different than an Instagram page, being that it is way more public and it is more of an adult platform meaning that I needed to really watch what was being posted. To this day, I hesitate to post anything on my Facebook page and somehow I still just got my account hacked last week. When this happened I was honestly really scared, I had people texting me saying that my account was messaging them and posting all over their pages but it was not me. I decided to go into my account settings and try to make my account as private as possible and it took me a while to figure it out but I feel way safer now knowing that my privacy settings are set up properly. I wish I could just delete my Facebook account but it has become an outlet for my relatives and friends from home to see how I am doing in school and vice versa, it provides a sense of safety knowing that I can still feel like they are with me. At the same time, although, I just want to be completely internet free and feel more connected to the real world. Who knows maybe one day I will eventually delete my Facebook page, but for now I think I have to keep it... sadly.
