Agenda Setting

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The idea of agenda setting is crucial to the social relevance of a specific topic. With the right agenda setting, a topic can be spread all around the world making it relevant to the mass media. Agenda setting has the ability to tell whether an issue is important or not, weeding out all of the fake news media. Being that agenda setting is considered a social science theory, it can in a way predict the accuracy of a specific topic. For example, if a certain topic is played on multiple radio stations frequently, it is more likely that the audience will see the issue as more important. There are three categories of agenda setting that are as follows; public agenda setting, media agenda setting, and policy agenda setting. I believe that this strategy can be both negative and positive when it comes to how it affects our society. Since our society today is very easily influenced by social media and fake news, agenda setting can attract more people to the news that may not be that relevant to society but more based around drama and false information. This tends to happen with popular social figures such as the Kardashian women, they are constantly getting attention for things that has no effect on anyone else's lives but they are important to the public eye because they are highly known in society.
