Supreme Court Video 1&2

After watching these two short videos about the supreme court, I learned many new concepts about what actually goes on. There is a good point that is raised about how when the public goes into a courtroom and watches the process happen they do not really know what is going on. The people tend to see a simple dialogue between the justice asking the question and the attorney answering, but that is not really what is happening because there is so much more to the process than that. What is really happening is that the court is having a conversation with itself, through the mediation of an attorney. These "arguments" are not like the arguments you would have with your parents if you did not want to do your chores, it is more like a discussion that could change the track of history at any time. Instead of being heard by only one or two judges, the supreme court has nine judges that all need to come together and agree on a decision, which is why the attorneys need to make their cases so strong because they are not only persuading one person. I now have a new view on the supreme court and everything that is involved with it and I now know all of the details of how a court decision is made which is something that everyone should eventually know. 
