Maga Hat in High Schools

High school student, Maddie Mueller from California claims that the new dress code rule being enforced violates her first amendment rights. Middle school and high school students are now wearing their mega hats to class, not only to show their political views but also to rebel against the school's rules. This issue has been frequently occurring in Washington, D.C. which is an overwhelmingly Democratic city, which is why residents are getting so angry with this new fad. Maddie's story is happening at a small school in California called Clovis High School, showing that this trend is spreading outside of the city of Washington all the way across the country. Clovis High School's dress code states that students cannot wear clothing with logos on them, which includes mega hats. Maddie claims that the writing on the Maga hat is not a "logo" but simply the name of our president and there should not be an issue with supporting our president. She explained how she did not understand how this was fair because she has seen multiple other students wearing Hilary or Bernie shirts around the school, so why is not ok for her? I do see where she is coming from but I feel as if Trump supporters and Hilary/ Bernie supporters voice their opinions in different ways, Trump supporters tend to be more "in your face" about their beliefs. I can understand why it seems inappropriate to advertise politics in a school environment, most schools strongly discourage any discussion of politics at all. This is definitely a touchy subject when it comes to the first amendment, but I believe that politics should be kept outside of school grounds which is why I do not agree that the school should be sued for making someone take off their hat.

Resource: Yahoo News
