Free Speech on College Campuses

Earlier this week, President Trump announced that he is going to be working on an executive order that allows free speech on all college campuses around the country. The order will address the right- wing concerns regarding the censorship of conservative voices on college campuses. If this idea follows through, colleges are required to allow free speech in order to receive federal aid. There are not many details yet about this project, it was first brought up on March 2 when President Trump spoke at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference but we are expecting more details now that the public has become aware of the idea.  Even though this idea seems like a good idea, many people are raising concerns about some of the issues that this may prevail such as how they plan to monitor all of the free speech. If such an idea is passed, it is going to be extremely hard to control and manage the people who will take advantage of this new freedom which will most likely cause more issues than solve them.  This issue becomes complicated when it comes to private college campuses, these specific places have rules of their own that have to do with the religion that the school follows. If free speech is somehow enforced in such institutions, it is going to be hard to stay on track with the ideas and rules that they usually follow because of the people who are going to feel that they can argue against it. I am sure we will be hearing more about this idea in the next few months but I wonder if this will actually be carried out if passed at universities.

Resource: Yahoo News
