Google Scam

This morning in class I learned something new about the search engine that everyone, even myself, raves about. There are some concepts about Google that I never thought about before today, but now I know how important it is to be safe on the internet. When Professor Smith typed in "google" on the search bar and the logo came up we noticed something unusual. On the right-hand corner his profile photo came up, but he did not have to log in. At first most of us did not notice anything about it because that's what we see every day, but once pointed out we realized something was not right. How can it be possible if Professor Smith did not log into his Google account? Growing up in this generation means that everything that is involved with technology seems almost effortless to us, meaning we do not notice the subtle changes such as this Google example. Now that this has come to my attention, I wonder if this is even safe for Google users. Even though Google accounts do not usually hold that much personal information people's phone numbers and home addresses can sometimes be found. Say someone goes on another's computer for a quick Google search and sees that the user is logged in by looking in the right corner and by a few clicks can figure out where the user lives and much more information that should not be shared. Personally, this concerns me because in high school we would be assigned to computers but others in different classes would be assigned to the same one which means that they could have seen a lot of my personal information. All I know is that whenever I go on Google now, I am signing out of my account as soon as I'm done.
